Mac Virus Acquired by Frucall

As I’m no longer regularly working in the security industry, this page/site is no longer being maintained. It’s left up here for historical reasons only.

David Harley, 15th April 2020

Mac Virus is an anti-malware information page created by Susan Lesch in the 1990s, and inherited by David Harley when Susan couldn’t find time to update it any more. He  wasn’t updating it much either, but as Mac malware looked like becoming a larger part of his life, this started to change drastically in 2010. However, it’s become much less of a priority in recent years.

Why ‘The Official Mac Virus blogsite’? Well, we don’t claim any particular authority to comment on OS X/iOS/Android security apart from David’s 30-odd years in the security industry: that tagline was introduced simply to differentiate the site from several wannabe sites that started to call themselves Mac Virus. It’s ‘official’ only in that Susan asked David to continue to support the site in some form when she no longer had time to, rather than let it be co-opted by anyone who had no connection to the original site.

It’s not ‘official’ in the sense of representing malware writers, the anti-malware industry, the security product testing industry, Apple, Android, Microsoft or anyone else. It’s just a platform where I pass on and comment on news and issues relating to security – especially Mac and smartphone/tablet security – that I find interesting. Furthermore, because I’m semi-retired, I give it a lot less attention than I used to. Apologies if anyone is expecting more than that.

In summer 2010, Old Mac Bloggit, the well-known pseudonymous typographical error (apologies to the shade of Spike Milligan) joined the crew, but isn’t currently contributing. As David is no longer working full-time and in any case the page isn’t sponsored, this site isn’t maintained as regularly as it was.
